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case study

Online Training Brand uses Funnel Analysis to Power Growth

Implementing funnel analysis to gain insights about their user activity on landing pages of their cross-channel campaigns.

Key Achievements

→Enhanced User Experience Analysis 🌐: Increase in user engagement metrics (e.g., page views, time on site).

→Improved Sales Process Understanding 💡: Higher conversion rates from lead to customer & Gained deeper insights into the sales funnel, enhancing the understanding of the customer journey.

→Effective Use of Analytical Tools 🔍 Decrease in bounce rate, increase in user retention & Employed heat maps and Google Analytics to identify and improve areas of user difficulty and traffic source inefficiencies.

→Informed Marketing Strategy Development 🎯 Improved ROI on marketing campaigns, increased channel effectiveness & Refined cross-channel marketing strategies based on comprehensive user behavior and traffic source analysis.

→Data-Driven Customer Acquisition Insights 📈 Growth in new customer acquisition, lower customer acquisition cost & Analyzed data to attract and retain customers more effectively.

→Optimized Landing Page Performance 🚀 Increase in landing page conversion rates, enhanced user interaction on key pages & Improve landing pages' effectiveness based on user interaction data.

The Challenge

The Online Training startup faced several challenges when attempting to optimize its sales funnel. They lacked time to analyze their data and felt stuck when trying to uncover insights to optimize their cross-channel campaigns.

The team was struggling to unveil any bottlenecks in their customer's journey. Hindering their ability to identify and prioritize actions to iterate on their landing page design, as a result, they were initially using poorly optimized landing pages throughout their funnel. Before, based on our data analysis, they could systematically plan out improvements that allowed them to impact their conversion rates.

Their main landing pages had high user drop-offs, and the user flow often led users to actions that were not the main objective of the funnel. As a result, the brand was losing potential customers and wasting valuable resources by not focusing on the most critical aspects of its funnel.

The company was struggling to identify the marketing initiatives that were generating more quality traffic into its funnel to optimize its cross-channel advertising strategy

"I'm so happy that we are working with you. We had agencies in the past and it wasn't great. They were not knowledgeable and experience enough. With you it doesn't feel like that at all, I'm very happy we found you!"
Kristina Smeadly
Head of Growth at Elite Competitor

The Process

Analysis of customer data for optimization of the funnel and increasing the revenue by implementing data-driven recommendations.

Scope of Work

Analysis of their campaign funnel

Identifying user experience bottlenecks with the support of Google Analytics Data

Reviewing data from their top and least-performing campaigns

Implementing landing page heat maps, providing insights about their main traffic sources and user actions inside the selected funnel

Provide actionable steps for optimizing the landing pages from the top-performing campaigns

The Outcome

We supported the brand using event-based data from their CRM  Clicks to Register, Webinar Registrations, and Checkouts, to address user experience issues and elaborate a heuristic analysis of their funnel.  With the support of heat map analysis and Google Analytics data, we allowed them to spot user bottlenecks and underperforming traffic sources, so they have more certainty on the actions to take when iterating their cross-channel campaign strategy.

By analyzing the company's acquisition data, and user events on specific landing pages, we identified data-driven opportunities to enhance their performance and conversion rate optimization for Landing Pages included in one of their key funnels.

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Adasight is your go-to partner for growth, specializing in analytics for product, and marketing strategy. We provide companies with top-class frameworks to thrive.

Gregor Spielmann adasight marketing analytics