
How to Integrate Amplitude with Slack?

Learn Amplitude Slack integration with our step-by-step guide. Improve your team's workflow by connecting Amplitude's analytics with Slack .

Slack is a messaging app specifically designed to connect teams in real-time. With over 100,000 organizations relying on it, Slack is currently the most used business communication app. Some features behind this popularity include easy collaboration, file sharing, one-on-one communication, and organization. Amplitude provides valuable insights into user behavior, feature adoption, and the impact of in-app messaging on user engagement by integrating with Slack.

Amplitude dashboard

Communications on Slack

Slack enables the creation of dedicated spaces called channels while also allowing one-on-one communication between individual members. The channels act as group chats where multiple users can participate in conversation. Besides communication, Slack also offers file sharing and voice and video calls. 

Slack is the #1 communications platform for SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises), and its dominance is largely due to its ability to enable meaningful collaboration through integrations. Therefore, Amplitude also offers Slack integration to allow marketing and product teams to share data-driven insights directly within Slack. This Amplitude-Slack integration eliminates the need to leave Slack workspace to discuss and collaborate on user insights with teammates.

Why use Slack?

Slack interface

Email and static intranet are one-way communication channels that limit interaction by restricting real-time engagement. As a result, the information gets lost in significant amounts of emails and notifications, leading to frustration and decreased employee engagement. In contrast, Slack serves as an adaptive collaboration hub that improves accessibility through channel-based structure and flexible search functionality. With all team members, including top management, involved in two-way discussions and files shared centrally with access control, Slack is attributed as a flexible collaboration tool.

The features of Slack, including real-time communication, project management, file sharing and storage, and accessibility, drive significant benefits for business growth. These benefits include: 

1. Accessible two-way communication and employee engagement.

2. Slack allows for the organization of files within channels.

3. Slack expands collaboration beyond internal teams by facilitating communication between partners, vendors, and customers.

4. Slack workflow builder offers built-in tools to create custom workflows and integrate third-party applications. 

Amplitude Slack integration

Amplitude is a product analytics tool that offers advanced analytics features to explore and analyze customer behavior. These features include user segmentation, automatic and precise event tracking, A/B testing, customizable dashboards, collaboration, behavioral analytics, real-time updates, product paths, and conversion funnels.

Amplitude’s integration with Slack allows you to use the best features of Slack for enhanced collaboration on data-driven decisions and improve overall product performance.  Follow the below steps to integrate Amplitude with Slack:

  1. Click “Settings” on the left of your dashboard and choose “Personal Settings.”
setting up amplitude
  1. Click on “Connect to Slack” on your profile page.

Amplitude profile page
  1. Sign in to your Slack workspace using the workspace URL.
slack sign in
  1. Click “Allow” to enable Amplitude access to your Slack workspace.
Access permission for amplitude slack workspace
  1. Amplitude will immediately send you a message on Slack with a link to a brief explanation of how to use the integration.

Integrating an Amplitude data project to Slack

You can also track branch changes and publish updates within Amplitude’s data project through Slack messages. To do this, you need to allow Amplitude to send project updates in your Slack channel. 

The following steps integrate the Amplitude data project into Slack:

  1. Navigate to Amplitude Data and Select “Integrations” under Settings.
  2. Select a channel where you want to send Amplitude notifications.
Amplitude notification destination channel selection
  1. Click “Add” to receive project notifications.

Connect with team spaces

Amplitude team spaces is a feature that allows collaboration with other team members to create and refine analysis together. Connecting team spaces with Slack channels sends notifications to your Slack channel when your team creates a new analysis. 

The following steps enable Amplitude integrations with Slack to connect with team spaces:

  1. Click “Connect with Slack” on the team spaces interface.
team space interface
  1. Choose a Slack channel and click “Connect to Slack”.

Features and benefits of Slack Amplitude integration

Integrating Amplitude with Slack transforms how teams collaborate on product analytics by enabling two-way, real-time sharing of analysis. Let's explore the features of the Amplitude and Slack integration and how these features drive significant benefits for product analytics:


  1. Paste links to Charts, Dashboards, and Notebooks in Slack. The links automatically transform into previews, giving your team quick access to important data.
  2. Get notified when someone tags you in Amplitude comments or with your comments.
  3. Receive notifications when your team starts a new analysis.
  4. Send dashboards from Amplitude to Slack as PDFs in Slack by creating a recurring subscription.


  1. Use the best Slack features to share and expand Amplitude analytics details within Slack channels, ensuring that insights are easily accessible to your team.
  2. Get real-time insights on product analytics directly within Slack so you can stay informed without leaving your workspace.
  3. Collaborate with your team members in real time without iterative scheduling.
  4. Stay aligned on product goals and performance through shared data insights.

How does Slack Connect work?

Slack Connect is a Slack feature that allows communication with external stakeholders within Slack. This feature significantly enhances the value of integrating Amplitude with Slack by expanding collaboration beyond internal product management analytics teams. For example, sharing the Amplitude product analytics dashboard with clients within Slack and accelerating production analytics cycles by involving them in feedback loops. 

Here’s how Slack Connect works:

  1. Create a channel and select suitable privacy settings.
slack channel creation
  1. Invite individual stakeholders or organizations to join your Slack channel. 
slack channel invite
  1. Your external partner accepts the invitation by clicking the link and setting up the channel.
slack channel invitation acception notification
  1. Depending on your privacy settings, your invitation may be sent to the admin for approval.
slack invitation approval request
  1. Start collaboration once the admin approves the invitation.

Slack message buttons for panel functions

Slack message buttons allow quick and dynamic interaction to improve workflow efficiency. For example, a project manager can send a message with buttons for "Approve," "Reject," or "Request Changes" to channel members. This can be particularly beneficial when using analytics tools for product managers, as they streamline decision-making processes and enhance real-time collaboration on product insights and actions.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create an interactive message using Slack's API or Block Kit. Each button can trigger a specific action or response.
  2. Assign unique values to each button, which will be sent back to your application when a user clicks on a button.
  3. When a user clicks a button, your application receives a payload containing the button's value.
  4. Your application can perform various actions based on the button clicked, such as opening a modal for further input or triggering a workflow.


How do I integrate Amplitude with Slack?

You can integrate Amplitude with Slack by going into your profile settings and clicking “Connect with Slack.” Next, follow the instructions to set up Slack integration with Amplitude.

What can I expect by integrating Amplitude with Slack?

Get notified when someone tags you in a comment, share and discuss analyses, collaborate with external teams, receive notifications when your team starts a new analysis, and send dashboards as PDFs within the Amplitude Slack community.

How do you create interactive messages using the Slack API?

You can define the key components of your interactive messages, including blocks, actions, and elements, in a JSON structure and publish it. Follow this guide for a step-by-step tutorial on creating interactive messages in Slack.

Next steps: Make the most out of Amplitude

Integrating Slack with Amplitude enhances team collaboration, but the depth of insights you gain relies on Amplitude's setup. This includes proper configuration, goal tracking, and aligning your business objectives with the appropriate framework.

With the correct setup and implementation, Amplitude maximizes your data potential so you can refine your marketing efforts. At Adasight, we help you find your product-market fit and clarify your insights with Amplitude, helping you achieve success through data-driven decisions.

If you want to find your product-market fit, reach out to us at Adasight today to align your marketing/product efforts better with a focus towards growth.

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