
How to Integrate Amplitude with Snowflake?

Learn how to integrate Amplitude with Snowflake for easy Snowflake data integration.

Understanding user behavior can be a powerful tool for businesses to satisfy user needs. But how do you get the perfect analysis of user behavior? Here comes Amplitude Data Analytics, a powerful analytics tool for companies to track and examine user behavior. In contrast, Snowflake is a cloud-based data platform that helps companies store and process large amounts of data. Integrating both these tools can help businesses make data-driven decisions. 

By combining user engagement data from Amplitude with other business data in Snowflake, teams can gain valuable insights to enhance user experiences and drive growth.

We will look at the process of integrating Amplitude with Snowflake company so you can extract maximum value from your data.

What is Amplitude Analytics?

amplitude analytics homepage

Amplitude Analytics is a popular tool for understanding user behavior within digital products. It helps businesses track users' interactions with their websites, applications, and other digital platforms. Amplitude analytics also tracks user behavior and collects data on aspects like events, properties, and users. 

Amplitude analytics also offers several key features, including:

  • Event segmentation: This helps businesses break down user actions into specific events to understand which features are most engaging and how users explore the product.
  • Funnel analysis: This feature makes it easy for companies to visualize users' steps to complete a goal, such as making a purchase. It also tells where users drop off in the process to make targeted improvements.
  • Retention analysis: Amplitude app analytics helps businesses track how often users return to the product after taking specific actions. Understanding retention rates will lead to developing better strategies to keep users engaged over time.
  • Real-time insights: Amplitude app analytics also offers quick access to data. This can help businesses respond quickly to changes in user behavior and market conditions.
  • A/B Testing: Amplitude native A/B testing capability helps teams test different variations of product features. This allows them to measure their impact on user behavior and key metrics so they can deploy the most effective version.

What is Snowflake data cloud?

snowflake data cloud homepage

Snowflake is a cloud-based data platform. It offers a modern solution for data storage, processing, and analysis. Unlike traditional data warehouses, the Snowflake company operates entirely on the cloud.

Snowflake marketing cloud supports several functions, including:

  • Data storage: Snowflake acts as the centralized repository for structured and semi-structured data, such as JSON and XML. This simplifies data management and makes it easier to analyze diverse data types.
  • Data processing: Snowflake makes it easy for users to run complex queries and perform analytics. Its advanced query optimization techniques ensure fast performance even with large datasets.
  • Data sharing: The platform also includes features for secure data sharing. This feature helps companies to collaborate easily with partners or different departments. This is facilitated through the Snowflake Marketplace, where users can discover and access verified data assets.

Amplitude Snowflake integration

amplitude + snowflake platform logos

Amplitude and Snowflake integration can offer businesses various benefits as they bring together the strengths of both platforms. With Amplitude Snowflake integration, companies can easily combine their user behavior data from Amplitude with other data sources from Snowflake for a unified view. This will also give them a complete view of the customers and their interactions with the product. 

Benefits of Amplitude Snowflake integration 

Here are some benefits of Snowflake Amplitude integration: 

  • Centralized Data Storage: By syncing Amplitude data into Snowflake, you can create a centralized repository for all your user engagement data. This will make it easy to analyze historical trends and patterns.
  • Enhanced Product Development: With Amplitude to Snowflake, data integration will help combine datasets like customer feedback and support tickets. This collective data can help identify problems in product development and guide enhancements.
  • Advanced Analytics: While Amplitude provides valuable insights into user behavior and product interactions, Snowflake's environment is more conducive to complex data science techniques. Snowflake supports machine learning and seamless integration with data science platforms like Apache Spark and TensorFlow. This enables more precise predictive analysis and personalization strategies to optimize business performance.
  • Secure Data Sharing: Snowflake makes data sharing simple, allowing easier collaboration with partners or different departments. It will also help you securely share relevant Amplitude data with stakeholders to drive alignment and informed decision-making.
  • Streamlined Data Pipelines: Integrating Amplitude with Snowflake will result in efficient data pipelines. This helps ensure data is consistently and reliably transferred between the two platforms, reduces manual effort, and minimizes the risk of data errors.

Snowflake Amplitude integration enables you to perform detailed cross-functional analysis to drive business growth. This will help you understand trends in user behavior so you can segment users into different groups and target their needs efficiently.

Step-by-step method for Snowflake Amplitude integration 

Using Amplitude's export function, you can manually integrate Amplitude with Snowflake. This method allows you to export data directly from Amplitude and load it into Snowflake.


  • You need an active Amplitude account with access to the project you want to export data from. Also, ensure you have the appropriate permissions to access the data export settings.
  • You must have a Snowflake account with the necessary permissions to create tables and load data into your desired database and schema.
  • Gather the connection details for your Snowflake account, including:
  • Account name
  • Username
  • Password
  • Database name
  • Warehouse name
  • Schema name
  • Identify the specific events or user properties you want to export from Amplitude. This will help you streamline the export process.


With these prerequisites in place, you can follow the step-by-step method below for Amplitude analytics integration with Snowflake:

Access Amplitude

  1. For Snowflake data integration, the first step is logging in to your Amplitude account. 

Note: Ensure you have permission to access the project from which you want to export data.

amplitude login page

Go to data export settings

  1. On the main page, click Data, and in the Catalog, select Destination tab. Scroll down the destination page to find Snowflake and click the Snowflake icon.
amplitude catalog destination selection page

Select data for export

  1. Under the option "Export Data to Snowflake," you must decide what data to include. You can export events starting today and also the existing ones. You can also set specific filters only to include events that meet certain conditions. Now, set the time interval for how often you want your events exported, and click Next.
selecting data to export from amplitude to snowflake

Enter Snowflake credentials

  1. In the Snowflake cloud computing credentials for Amplitude section, provide the following details:
  • Account Name: Enter your Snowflake account name, the first part of your Snowflake URL, before ‘’.
  • Warehouse: Specify the Snowflake warehouse that Amplitude will use to load data. Using a warehouse dedicated to Amplitude data is best to prevent disruption to other Snowflake tasks.
  • Database: Indicate the database where Amplitude should store the data.
  • Role: Set the role for writing the data. By default, this is set to AMPLITUDE.
  • Username: Use Amplitude's username to connect to your Snowflake account.
  • Password: You can choose between password-based and key pair authentication to connect to Snowflake. Remember, passwords are case sensitive. 
snowflake credentials for amplitude

Test the connection and finalize

  1. Click Next, and Amplitude will attempt to upload test data using the credentials you’ve entered. If the test is successful, click Finish.
successful test data upload for exporting to snowflake

After successful setup, amplitude will automatically send all future events to your Snowflake account. It will generate micro-batch files every five minutes and load them into your Snowflake integration account every 10 minutes or at your chosen time interval. You should be able to view the data in Snowflake within 20 minutes of Amplitude receiving the events.


Amplitude Snowflake integration is a powerful way to enhance your data analysis. By combining Amplitude's user behavior insights with Snowflake's robust data processing features, you can better understand how your users interact with your product and how this impacts your business. 

As a final piece of advice, ensure that your Snowflake setup is optimized to handle large datasets, especially if you are working with high volumes of data from Amplitude. Make sure to monitor your integration regularly to ensure data is accurate. You can also adjust as needed to keep your data pipelines running smoothly. By following proper steps and using the right data integration tools for Snowflake, you will be well on your way to making more informed and data-driven decisions.


How long does the integration process take?

The manual integration process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours. It depends on the size of the data and your familiarity with the platforms. Using Amplitude’s built-in integration tools can speed up the process.

Do I need to be a programmer to integrate Amplitude with Snowflake? 

The manual integration method requires some knowledge of SQL. However, automated data pipeline tools offer a user-friendly interface that doesn't necessitate programming expertise.

Is my data secure when integrating Amplitude with Snowflake? 

Both Amplitude and Snowflake prioritize data security. When using data pipeline tools, ensure they offer robust security measures like encryption and access control.

What if I encounter issues during the integration?

If you face any challenges during the integration, refer to the support resources provided by Amplitude and Snowflake. You can also reach out to their support teams for personalized assistance.

Can I automate the data transfer between Amplitude and Snowflake?

Yes, once the integration is set up, you can automate data transfers to occur at regular intervals. This will make sure that your Snowflake database is always up-to-date with the latest user behavior data.

Next steps: Make the most out of Amplitude

At Adasight, we specialize in helping teams achieve product-market fit and scale efficiently. You’ll benefit from Adasight’s tailored integration solutions that can optimize your data pipelines, improve accuracy, and accelerate insights. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you leverage the full potential of your data, making complex integrations straightforward and efficient.

Let’s build your Growth Analytics Engine together! Whether you need to optimize your onboarding, retention, or monetization strategies, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

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